This is North Cornwall

Although the Cornwall Tourist Board website may be useful throughout Cornwall the ‘This Is North Cornwall’ website is more specific to the area Sandpipers is located in. Here again you may find some more detailed information that you require.

Email –

The National Trust

There is a huge amount that the National Trust offers in Cornwall that we have only touched on under gardens and walking. Here you will find more information on what’s on offer within the Devon and Cornwall area as a whole. The contact details below are specific to the National Trust in Cornwall but for Devon click on the website link and under ‘contact us’ you’ll find the details.

Email – Contact number – 01208 265950
Fax number – 01208 265959
Location – The National Trust Cornwall Office, Lanhydrock, Bodmin, Cornwall. PL30 4DE

Cornwall Tourist Board

We hope that what we have provided from our website covers most of what you may require however we appreciate the Cornwall Tourist Board website may offer a wider range of information for your own interests.

Email –
Contact number – 01872 322900
Fax number – 01872 322895
Location – Cornwall Tourist Board, Pydar House, Pydar Street, Truro, Cornwall. TR1 1EA